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Welcome to Day 8 Strategies

Changing the Conversation

There is ample data to show that people are more and more disconnected, lonely and even isolated. All of this is happening while people can use technology to interact with dozens of people at the same time in places all around the world. But lack of human contact and connection is literally killing us.


Coming out of Covid, small congregations (that’s over 80% of all congregations which have physical attendance of less than 100 people each week) have a remarkable asset. They are relational systems where people can connect with people! But for this to happen, old habits have to be put to bed and new practices started.


People grow spiritually most often through interaction more than informatoin. That means that because church life is grounded in a life of faith, a healthy congregation is making space and helping people have conversations about faith and life. But go to a typical congregation and this is sporadic at best. Most people come and have the same kinds of conversations they would have if they weren’t in church.


Sadly, this means stories go untold and unheard. It means people are often unable to discover some of the deepest things about their own stories. And it leaves relationships at much shallower levels than needed.


So as a leader, your job is to change the conversation. Instead of people being turned loose to simply talk about the things they would talk about without help, use ways to help them think and talk about something else. In a sense – you help them change the subject from safe and shallow to deeper and more meaningful.


To do this, here are three things you can do to help:

        * Think up a question for discussion each week that relates to the sermon
        * Make space in a sermon for someone who has something to share to do it inside your sermon. Invite them up to tell it as part of the message.
        * Tell meaningful, personal stories from your own experience to model and spark imagination for others who hear them


Questions, sharing the stage, and modeling are all helpful tactics to making space for faith stories to be shared. In the process, your leadership strengthens everyone’s ability to see and share where they have seen God at work in their lives.

Dave Daubert Monday, March 6, 2023 1 Comments
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jodi lorenz Friday, April 28, 2023

I just did a dwelling in the word activity with the text last week - road to Emmaus. Participation was few because my people are so used to never asking questions or sharing in worship. Want to do more of this. Wondering if this summer might be a good time to try something different in worship. Something other than me writing a sermon and they sitting and listening. Also I have a small group of people who are ready to start some new ministry.... begin with focusing on mental health which our synod is focusing on within our rural communities. Any help would be appreciated
